- Drink water and liquids at least 30mins away from meals to help increase your natural digestive juices.

- Sip on sliced fresh ginger infused in hot water through the day to help with bloating.

- Don’t over-eat.  - Eat until you are only 85% full.

- Allow 3 - 4 hours between meals to give your gut a chance to digest before the next meal and the small intestinal brush border to clear.

- Avoid chewing gum and soft drinks as they increase gas in your abdomen.

- Try yoga poses to support muscles and release gas. - Child's pose and Happy Baby pose.

- Eat SLOWLY and Mindfully and not while you are stressed.

- Include a Gentle 15min walk after meals to help with digestion and get things moving.

- Include a variety of plant fibre in every meal. Your gut needs fibre to feed beneficial bacteria in your gut.

- Alcohol and caffeine may affect your digestive ability and contribute to abdominal pain.

- You may benefit from well cooked food like casseroles and soups for a week or two to help with digestion.

- Remember, Sleep is so important for rest, digest and detoxification. If you are struggling with this, herbs and amino acids may be beneficial.
If you have consulted with me you would know about the 4 breath box breathing exercise before meals to prepare you to digest adequately. – See instructions below

- Avoid sugars and processed foods as they feed the non-beneficial bacteria to overgrow.
-  Choose Gluten free dairy free where possible, as if the bucket gets too full symptoms may present.
Love and Honour yourself however this looks for you.

…this includes your body and Soul.

Chris x

If you feel you need more individualised support choosing appropriate herbal, dietary and nutritional interventions. Naturopathy and acupuncture may help. You can Book HERE

4 Breaths Exercise Instructions 

3 times a day – Before Eating is the time to do this exercise.
For Rest-Digest & Back to SLEEP
Put on some Yin Yoga or meditation music while you prepare to eat.

1 Breathe in slowly for 4 breaths into the belly through your nose.

2 Hold this breath for 4 counts.

3 Breathe Out Slowly for 8 breaths through pursed lips. (pursed lips like blowing through a thin straw)

4 Imagine a healing light coming in through the top of your head, removing all that is not needed in your body and bringing in all that is required.

5 Notice any pain or discomfort and imagine slowly turning your dials down on that pain during every breath.

Repeat this for 4 ROUNDS or more.

More about Digestive / Gut Health…

Digestive Health. What we can do to Restore it

Coeliac Disease and Non-Coeliac Gluten Sensitivity

Image by: Photo by Sean S on Unsplash

For Naturopathic consultations, bookings & Fees - TOUCH HERE

The Number One Principle for Health & Why Self Care is So Important

Hello to you All,

I thought I would check in with you all today.   This was prompted by a client I saw who came to see me after thinking about it for a number of years.   I had been seeing his partner for a long time, but hadn't seen her for a year so I though she had gone on her merry way.    He had been struggling with chronic health conditions for more than 20 years and he came to see me for his gut health and general well being.   We had a really beautiful first consultation.  At the end when he was leaving, he turned around and said "I have got to say something.  I have been meaning to see you for years."   He had tears in his eyes...and I really stopped, listened and waited, as he couldn't quite get the words out.   He said:  "I have seen what you have done for my wife and today I feel like I have truly been heard.  I feel like I have had so many questions answered, that have been unanswered for such a long time.   I feel like I have been waiting for this for a long time".    In his own words, he gave me his deep gratitude and thanks.   He was paying me gratitude for the space he had been given.   He was also paying gratitude to himself for giving himself the space he obviously had been waiting to give for many years.  - I am not sure if he knows this yet.   

This is why I love, this work.  I love what I choose to do.

What I wanted to talk about before I got into that story today is committing to your health and how to do that.  What I realised, also took me a long time and many years to realise.  It was my own commitment to my own health and my mental health that would be the turning point for me on my own journey.  

So Here is the Number One Principle for Health

You might need a pen.  This is a tip, an idea, a seed that I am planting.  I wasn't ready for it for a long time.

This is the talk I have with many of my clients.

Principle number one

Principle number one Is committing to making your health, your number one priority.  This means believing that you are a valuable person.   This also means (and this includes mums', dads' and animal lovers), this means you are the most important person in your life.   Because without putting on our oxygen mask in the plane, we cant help anyone else.   When we do put on our oxygen mask on first in the plane, it is a trickle down effect.   We sit at the top of the pyramid in our world and below that are our first most important people, below that are our other important people and so on.... and below that is then being able to help a whole lot of other people, beings and animals.

This is truly how I feel in my heart much deeper now that I have my own health in a place where I can truly say, I feel the most vital and energetic that I have ever been.  When I was in the deepest illness called fibromyalgia for many years, I didn't have the ability to help others.  Now I feel I do.

I still hold and practice principle number one.    If my health and well being is the most important, then I am able to help other people.  I get more clarity on this if ever I get sick or I go on holidays and I take care of my self.

How Do I Do this?

The way to do this is to have an open mind.  It can be a really different way of thinking for some people, to put themselves first when they continually put their children, their puppies or their parents first.  They put this on hold or that on hold, because I cant do this.  I hear it a lot.  I hear from my older clients who are in their 60s say, "I cant do anything for my health until I have mum or dad sorted out.".  There is always going to be an excuse.

So if you are open minded and are willing to explore the cause of your dis-ease.  You need to be willing to put yourself at the top.

I had to share this with you after my beautiful restorative yoga class at Dharma Circle, which I highly recommend if you are willing.  This is when I get clarity.  To make time for yourself, sometimes you need to get the old stuff out of the way and bring in the new concepts and ideas and allocate 'you' time.  Time for your well being.  Especially if your excuse is "I don't have time because" can map your week out on a timetable.  Allocate work time and play time.  Especially for those Virgos who like to map things out.

Self care for you may look like....

Meditation & Yoga

Walking in nature

A little country hike

Dancing or dancing classes


Self development workshops

A Health Retreat

Walking with your face in the sun

A massage

Deep breathing techniques

Weekends away

A regular holiday

True healing happens when you learn to listen to the messages of your body and you put your health, your mind and prioritise your time first.

I wanted to share this with you today because we are all worthy and special human beings.

If you have any words of wisdom or questions to share.  Please pop them on this thread.  We can all benefit from your innate wisdom too.

Enjoy the sunshine.

Love Chris x

Here is a wonderful morning meditation from Abraham Hicks - CLICK HERE

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available

For more on her retreats and holistic wellness program touch here:


or call (61+) 0409027221



6 Sugar Craving Tips

Sugar cravings are extremely common. Many people crave sweets, but they may also rely on refined carbohydrates such as breads and other baked goods. The resulting blood sugar spikes and dips leave you feeling fatigued and can cause symptoms such as anxiety, dizziness, headaches and brain fog.  The good news is that some simple tweaks in your diet can nip those blood sugar fluctuations in the bud. 

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Good Sleep & How to Get it

Our busy lives mean that we are constantly on the go. We juggle many tasks and responsibilities, and strive to be as productive as possible. Does this sound like you?

It is estimated that around 50% of adults experience occasional insomnia, with approximately 10% of adults suffering from chronic insomnia.

In an age where being busy has become trendy, the importance of sleep is often forgotten. We all know that we need to sleep, but it pays to stop and consider the quality of your sleep as well as the quantity.

Sleep is not just about resting. It is during sleep when your body excretes growth hormone and melatonin levels rise – this leads to tissue regeneration and antioxidant activity respectively. When you are asleep, your body resets its metabolism, regenerates bone and connective tissue, regenerates your liver, breaks down fat stores, and supports blood sugar regulation. A lack of sleep causes an imbalance of cortisol levels and even alters your appetite hormones, meaning that you are more likely to overeat during the day.

Not getting enough quality sleep, therefore, is associated with many conditions including diabetes and obesity, imbalanced cholesterol and triglycerides, increased cardiovascular risk, accelerated ageing, poor concentration and memory, lowered immune function, stress, irritability, anxiety, depression and low mood.

There is good news though, as fortunately there’s a lot that can be done in terms of lifestyle to support good sleep.

What can you do?

·      In the evening, dim the lights and stop using screens (computers, tablets mobiles) at least 30mins to one hour before bedtime – this is very important as blue light stops your body producing melatonin.  Read a non-electronic paper book or novel – something relaxing or journaling.

·      Include good quality protein in each meal – this helps your body produce neurotransmitters to support good mood and good sleep

·      Avoid alcohol if you experience sleep problems

·      Magnesium and potassium rice foods can help relax the body – A little avocado or organic yoghurt.

·      Don’t eat a too close to bedtime – finish your last meal of the day by 2 hours before bedtime to give your digestive system a rest

·      Avoid coffee and other caffeinated drinks after lunchtime

·      Have a cup of herbal tea after dinner – for example chamomile, lemon balm or passionflower

·      Go to bed and rise around the same time each day – this ensures your body gets into a rhythm and you may not even need an alarm clock to wake you in the mornings

·      Move your body daily – exercise is as important for good sleep as it is for overall health

·      Make sure you are exposed to sunlight during the day – this supports your circadian rhythms and helps you produce the ‘happy hormone’ serotonin, which is then converted to the ‘sleep hormone’ melatonin

·      Wind down before going to bed – you may like to have a bath or read a good book

·      Make sure your bedroom is dark and not too hot

·      Write down any worries in a journal before going to bed, so that you can put them out of your mind

·      Have a relaxing lavender essential oil bath 1 hour before bed

·      Make sure you have a comfortable supportive bed.

How can a naturopath help?

Naturopaths are well equipped to support your sleep. They can:

-       Identify any underlying causes of poor sleep – this can include health conditions, medications, stress & lifestyle factors etc

-       Prescribe an appropriate magnesium

-       Prescribe a tailored liquid herbal remedy to ease restlessness, anxiety etc and promote good sleep

-       Prescribe homeopathic melatonin if indicated

-       Advise you on what further foods to eat to support good sleep

If you have trouble falling asleep, difficulty staying asleep, or wake unrefreshed, get in touch to find out more about how I can help you.

Wishing you good rest and sweet dreams!


Naturopath BHlthSc. (Nat) NHAA ECNH

If you are struggling with sleep difficulties, please call me I’m happy to help you.

If you would like to read more about natural ways to reduce insomnia - you can goto Snoozy Monk

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available

For more on her retreats and holistic wellness program touch here:


or call (61+) 0409027221


Click to make a booking:

Western Health Collective, West Footscray 9687 5670

Love Thy Health, West Footscray  0409 027 221

This article provides general information and is not intended to constitute advice.  All care is taken to ensure information is accurate and relevant.  Please see your practitioner for personalised health treatments and advice.

10 Cleansing Tips for the Holiday Season

If you are going to get silly this season …hey I know I am, and I am a naturopath!  We all know excess sugar, fatty food and alcohol can take its toll on your body, mind and spirit.

So here are 10 tips to hopefully help ease the pain… if you are going to drink,  eat and play hard …so to speak.

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Digestive Health...What We Can Do to Restore it.

Gut flora and gut barrier are two factors that determine the health of our gut.   Our gut is home to 100 trillion microorganisms.   It is also responsible for our protection from infection, as it comprises more than 75% of our immune system.  

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