Fertility, Preconception and IVF Support

Fertility, Preconception and IVF Support

Preparing to have a baby is one of the most meaningful experiences in our lives. 

Preparation to conceive is key to a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. As after all, our fertility is a reflection of our general health and well-being.

Sperm has been developing in his body for 90 days…

The final stages of oocyte (cells in the ovary) development take approximately 100 days.

Preconception care adheres to the philosophy that the final stages of gamete production can be modified and supported.

Fertility preparation and support is a chance to optimise not only your own health, in preparation for a family. You are also optimising the health of your future child and family.

Consideration of your current nutrient status, diet, lifestyle and environmental factors play a large role in the healthy development of both egg and sperm.  Therefore working with both parents to be before conception is key.

Support for both partners is the best gift you can give to your family. As sperm that develops today has been developing over 90 days and is a big 50% of the picture. Therefore having partner onboard with changes makes for 50% better outcomes.

As a naturopath I have seen many couples come to me after several attempts at IVF. Those couples that have their naturopathic health plan clearly set out for them, and follow individualised advice, is where I see the best outcomes.

What needs to be assessed for better fertility outcomes.

Your nutrient status diet and lifestyle.

Support with your unique nutrient dense diet is in place prior to conception. Nutrition in fertility is no new concept. There is significant research suggesting dietary modification improves ovulation, conception and healthy birth outcomes. (Diet and Lifestyle in the Prevention of Ovulatory Disorder Infertility)

Generally a Mediterranean whole food style diet is an excellent start. Whilst also avoiding caffeine, sugar, trans fats, artificial sweeteners, alcohol and anything that is essentially low in essential nutrients and may inhibit mineral and vitamin absorption.

Zinc, magnesium, folate, B12, vitamin D, essential fatty acids, iron and an array of vitamins and minerals play vital roles in development of egg and sperm as do antioxidants. Egg and sperm health with removal of anything that may be thought to be harmful to health of the egg and sperm.

Address potential subclinical or undiagnosed health issues affecting fertility.

Individualised pre conception health checks in collaboration with your midwife, GP, IVF specialist to assess for any underling or yet undiagnosed health issues affecting fertility. For example: sub-clinical thyroid conditions, hormonal imbalances, PCOS, endometriosis, semen; motility and vitality, DNA fragmentation, morphology, STIs.

Support the health and vitality of both parents to be.

Healthy parents equal healthy babies and are an excellent start for an overall better pregnancy, birth and beyond. Ensuring pathology and testing are complete, within ‘optimal wellness’ ranges. - not ‘just good enough’ ranges and balancing hormonal cycles. This includes, stress reduction techniques imperative for better fertilisation and implantation outcomes.

Is your fertility tracking working?

Optimise fertility tracking and timing through education and support with fertility charting using the symptothermo technique, which is seen to be 99.6% effective. Fertility Appreciation Collaborative to Teach the Science (FACTS)

I use evidence-based protocols with a holistic approach, to support and prepare you for a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Whether we are working on fertility issues and working with an IVF clinic or looking to conceive a naturally healthy baby. Prior to conceiving is an important time to implement these health giving changes.

I work with both singles and couples in consultation with all care providers, GPs, fertility and IVF specialists.  

I will recommend a unique naturopathic preconception, pregnancy and labour preparation programme that is specifically for you and your families needs.

Fertility Case Study IUI

Sarah 36yo came to see me after having 2 rounds of unsuccessful IUI  intrauterine insemination. She had a high stress job and was referred to me by her acupuncturist who she was seeing for regular treatments. She stated, when stress was pretty high she would sleep walk, which had happened 4 times this week. She was also experiencing extreme fatigue and her iron levels were low. She was going to try one more IUI cycle and then try for IVF. She had previously experienced 2 miscarriages with her previous partner and decided she was going ahead with IVF treatment herself. We worked together to create a diet plan to help her loose a little weight slowly as well as a gut and liver cleanse. We also replaced her over the counter prenatal supplement with a higher quality product and supported her stress with herbal medicine. We only had one month as she was booked and very keen for her next IUI. After a few days making changes she stated she was sleeping better. After one week she noticed her fatigue and brain fog, which she didn’t realise she was experiencing previously, had reduced dramatically. After 4 weeks of dietary changes, she went on to have one IUI procedure with her fertility clinic which resulted in a positive pregnancy result. Sarah went on to have a very healthy baby girl at full term.

If you would like to book a free discovery call with me to find out if we are a good fit for working together, please do online here: www.lovethyhealth.com.au

In Health.

Christine xoxo

I highly recommend reading:

Create a Fertile Life: Everything You Need to Know to Get Pregnant - by Charmaine Dennis, Gina Fox, and Rhiannon Hardingham

Photo credit - carlo-navarro-unsplash. 📸#carlonavarro

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: bookings here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available