Exposure to Toxic Smoke

I recently saw the article about the firefighters in the West Footscray factory fires, posted locally in WeFo. It really got me thinking about how sad it is that those who protect us in our community have had such exposure to toxic waste. They said they had literally breathed it in. It was unavoidable. They are now living with potentially un-diagnosed chronic conditions. I see people like this weekly in clinic. Often due to toxic exposure in their own homes and environments.

AGE ARTICLE - What Happen to us in West Footscray

The article really prompted me to think about when the fire first started… How did I react to protect my family?

The first thing I think about with toxic exposure is, remove to the offensive toxic item. Well in this situation the people needed to be removed. That didn’t happen. So If this is not possible or doesn’t happen, there is still a lot we can do to support our health.

The first thing I personally did was get started with some liver support. The liver is the main organ to detoxify the body of chemicals, medications and excess hormones among other thing. Anything really that we are exposed to, that the body doesn’t need in excess is, mainly detoxified by the liver. So we need to support this organ to do the amazing work it is capable of actually doing.

Herbs and supplements that can support the liver are…

A good quality B vitamin supplement - help with phase 2 detoxification and support the body to excrete them through other organs. They also support the nervous system in times of stress.

St Mary’s Thistle or Silymarin - is known for its liver support and detoxification qualities.

Vitamin C - is essential for your immune system which may be suffering post exposure and regrowth of new cells.

When taking anything it is important to ensure it doesn’t interact with your medications.

Detoxify the mind of all of the bad thinking about this is often ignored. In reality we cant always stop these exposures from happening. It is important to work through these feelings in a helpful way. My family and with many of my clients we use The Work of Byron Katie for this. You may benefit from speaking to a good friend, your psychologist or someone on a hotline. 131114 - Lifeline 1300 22 4636 - Beyond blue There are many people to choose from to talk to here: Health - Mental health help lines

I lived with an un-diagnosed chronic health condition for many years due to toxic exposure and trauma. So I can say from personal experience. There is hope! Now I live totally pain free after years of chronic pain.

There is hope and so much you can do. Please don't feel like this is impossible.

Christine x

Here are some articles about detoxification you may find helpful…

Which Detox Suits You

10 Cleansing Tips for the Holiday Season

The Number One Principle for Health and Why Self Care is So important

Good Sleep & How to Get it

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available

B12 Supplements & Long-Term Toxicity

Hello Lovers of Health,

this week I had a patient come to see me for long-term fatigue and generally just not feeling like himself for years.

He said: "I just feel toxic and tired...I have been like this for years" .

I discovered that he had been taking an over the counter B12 supplement for about 15+ years for no apparent reason. - He said: "I read that is good for me and I may need it?".

This is something I hear all of the time! B12 supplementation. Especially with my vegan patients. And this really concerns me. There is so much on Dr Google, recommending B12 and how safe it is because it is water soluble....this is Not true.

So anyway we did a preliminary urinary metal test and found excessive amounts of cobalt in his urine. Do you know where this comes from? ANSWER: Excessive amounts of B12 supplementation.

He had also chosen a cheep over the counter B12, which was just not absorbing in his system and it seemed, to put it simply, his kidneys were trying to get rid of the excess for a very very long time. Further investigation found he had reduced kidney function in his pathology. - A study found, B12 may lead to negative health outcomes in those with diabetes or kidney disease, including 1mg per day.

I have also seen over supplementation of those taking zinc, which can also displace copper (required by the body for the nervousness system) and over supplementation of iron, which can also effect liver function long term. - This is why testing is so important. 

Other common supplements that may be toxic or have side effects:
Vitamin K, B6, A, E, Iron to name a few.

Please make a free 10min booking if you or friends & family have any questions at all about the supplements and forms you are taking.  I am more than happy to support you all where I can.

If you or a family member are confused about your medications I recommend you go to your GP or pharmacist and ask for a medication review.

ASK QUESTIONS:  "Why am I taking this?  What are the side effects?   Do I still need it?  How long will I need to be on it?  Are there any other options?"  

If you want to find out exactly what forms and dosages of supplementation are best for you, please call me.  This is what we are trained specifically to help you with.

Love, Health & Healing to ALL!
Christine x

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available