Inflammation - Manage Your Pain Naturally & Effectively

How to Manage Your Pain Naturally & Effectively

Do any of these apply to you?
•    Aches & pains in muscles and joints
•    Mental & physical fatigue
•    Irritable bowel syndrome - IBS
•    Overweight or finding it hard to lose weight around your waist
•    Depression or anxiety
•    Regular use of anti-inflammatory or pain relieving medications
•    You are physically inactive - due to pain
•    Prone to infections or allergies
•    You suffer from low grade yeast / fungal infections
Your diet includes:  Refined grains, refined sugar, partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats), deep fried food, vegetable oils – corn, safflower, sunflower, cottonseed, soybean and foods that are made with these oils, grain fed meats and poultry.

Do you have any of the following conditions?
Osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, IBS, type 2 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic sinusitis, skin problems, allergies, asthma, PMS, endometriosis, high BP, cardiovascular disease, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome.

- If you answered yes to one or more of these listed conditions, then it is likely that inflammation could be a problem for you.

Why is inflammation a Problem?

Chronic inflammation causes significant damage to your body and if left untreated, causes cellular damage and functional tissue loss associated with long term pain conditions.


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications used long-term have a wide range of adverse side effects including gastrointestinal ulceration, hemorrhage and perforation of the stomach.  They have also been linked to increased stroke risk.   Pain killers may cause liver damage or become an addiction.


1. Prescribe herbs, spices & nutrients with excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.    Here are a few herbs and nutrients that may help:  Ginger, turmeric, vitamin C, bromelain, quercetin, papain, resveratrol & essential fatty acids.  - If you are already trying these pain & inflammation may be better managed using the appropriate dosage for you.

2. Implement a safe and effective weight loss program, whilst reducing oxidation & cellular damage contributing to inflammation is essential.    - Be careful of fast or fad weight loss programs, supplements or miracle herbs, as rapid detoxification can be detrimental and painful which may occur when loosing fat too rapidly without adequate liver and gut support.

3. A Holistic program to support emotional health and healing on your wellness journey.  This can support you in finding what may be blocking you from achieving your goals.       

4. Testing can be a great tool to assess any underlying causes contributing to your condition.  Thyroid, liver function and gut health may be factors that need to be first addressed.    These may include: Thyroid functional testing, food Intolerance, stool analysis & MTHFR gene testing.

Health and wellness to you!

Christine Carley - NaturopathBHlthSc (Nat), NHAA.

Christine Carley is a bachelor qualified naturopath, with a focus on women’s health and wellness. She passionately supports her clients with, fertility and IVF optimisation, menopause and hormonal health as well as gut health. She spent most of her early clinical practice working with people with chronic and complex autoimmune condition, whilst working in a clinic with cardiologist, psychologists, podiatrist and allied health professionals. She loves assisting those stress, anxiety, fatigue and sleep. She is a passionate health ambassador who takes a holistic, person centred approach to the wellness model of health.

Book an appointment or free online discovery call here: LOVE THY HEALTH or call 0409027221

*National and International Telehealth available

For more on her retreats and holistic wellness program touch here:


or call (61+) 0409027221


Western Health Collective, West Footscray9687 5670

Love Thy Health, West Footscray  0409 027 221    


Christine Carley is a qualified naturopath with a Bachelour of Health Science practicing at Point Cook Health Centre and in Melbourne's inner west.   She sees all clients as individuals, with their own health issues and personal well being goals.  She has a focus on diet & lifestyle, whilst using the most appropriate herbal medicines for your needs.

This article provides general information and is not intended to constitute advice. All care is taken to ensure information is accurate and relevant.  Please see your Practitioner for health treatments and advice.