Flower Essence Therapy
What Are Flower Essences?
Flower essences have been used by many native cultures for hundreds of years to bring about spiritual emergence and connection with the earth.
Essences are made from flower blossoms picked in bloom and submerged in solarised water to extract the essence of the plant. The entire signature of the plant is captured in the extract. They are then preserved in a small amount of alcohol. Unlike essential oils they do not have a fragrance.
What Are Flower Essences Used For?
Flower Essences are used to support you at a deep emotional level. Often used for anxiety, fear and worry. Sleep issues and nightmares.
Students sometimes use them for focus for study. They are also used for children, relationship & family issues.
Emergency essence and rescue remedy are quite widely used today as an excellent remedy for any emotional upset. It has a calming effect during a crisis and brings about the ability to cope.
What Would A Flower Essence Therapy Session Involve?
A flower essence therapy session involves working together to develop an individualised essence prescription.
This can be done through cognitive or intuitive work. Sessions often include breath work, meditation and muscle testing techniques.
How Do I Take Flower Essences?
A tincture may be used orally or topically on the skin. They are safe and may be used along side pharmaceutical medications to treat both adults and children. Flower essences are very different from pharmaceutical drugs and supplements as they work at a very different level.
How do they work?
To understand flower essences you may need to be open to other paradigms of healing. Having said that, I have also found those not to be so open, to open up somewhat after experiencing the essences. - So it can work the other way around also.
Responses to flower essences can vary. As each essence has a unique energy, so too does each and every person have their own unique response. Changes can be from quite subtle to profound and trans formative, accompanying change in many areas of life.
Children & Flower Essence Therapy
Children often respond exceptionally well to flower essence therapy for emotional health and wellness. They really love to collaborate in the creation of their own flower essence in their session, while mum or dad look on. They are very intuitive and often take the lead with much self reflection and connection with what is going on for them in their world. Regularly becoming the healer themselves and choosing essences for mum, dad and other family members. Such a beautiful process to be able to facilitate!
We all have the ability to heal ourselves, as our body’s cells are changing and repairing constantly. As a flower essence practitioner I am able to work with these changes and responses integrating meditation and visualization as well as cognitive approaches suited to the individual.
It is always a profound honour to work in this space with my clients!